Unable to Delete Resources: There is currently an active background action

An addition to CTX138318 about how to delete an old Citrix Studio Hosting connection.
Instead of deleting every task manually we make use of PowerShell piping and Out-GridView.

Today in Citrix Studio I discovered a dead Hosting connection I set up years ago for some MCS tests. When I tried to simply delete the connection, I received the following message:

The error message leads to the following (helpful!) KB article: CTX138318

Continue reading “Unable to Delete Resources: There is currently an active background action”

ICYMI: A few notes about the Citrix Receiver Clean-Up Utility

The Citrix Receiver Clean-Up Utility is no longer needed, as it’s part of the CitrixReceiver.exe nowadays.

The Citrix Receiver Clean-Up Utility has been my biggest friend for a while. It helps you to recover broken Citrix Receiver installations on Microsoft Windows. Before I knew it, I sometimes even reinstalled Windows to get Citrix Receiver back to work. Good old days.
But after many years a trustful friendship came to an end. Citrix included the functionality of the Receiver Clean-Up Utility into the Citrix Receiver Setup a while ago. Continue reading “ICYMI: A few notes about the Citrix Receiver Clean-Up Utility”

HowTo: Update Citrix Workspace Environment Management from 4.x to 4.4 (v4.04.00.00)

A short HowTo about the Citrix WEM Upgrade process for version 4.4

Download Citrix WEM 4.4 (v4.04.00.00) here:

What’s new:

Continue reading “HowTo: Update Citrix Workspace Environment Management from 4.x to 4.4 (v4.04.00.00)”

Fix: Google Chrome Enterprise 58.0.3029.96 breaks on XenApp 6.5 / Windows Server 2008 R2 – UPDATE

Fast published to help everyone else, so sorry for any typos or grammatical errors! ty

On Tuesday the 2nd May 2107 Google published a new update for Google Chrome Enterprise 58.0.3029.96. After this update, nearly all of our XenApp 6.5 customers informed us, that Google Chrome stopped working for them. The browser itself opens, but it never displays any content:

Continue reading “Fix: Google Chrome Enterprise 58.0.3029.96 breaks on XenApp 6.5 / Windows Server 2008 R2 – UPDATE”

Tablacus Explorer is an awesome replacement for explorer.exe as a #XenApp published Application!

In XenApp projects you always face the challenge to decide whether to deploy a published Desktop or different published applications for the users. Many times you will have to use a combination of both. Especially in the published application use-case, you have to find a way to allow your users manage their files with a file explorer. This might not be a problem for Fat-Client users with their Windows 10 Notebooks inside the corporate LAN. Those can simply run their local file explorer and access smb shares.

Continue reading “Tablacus Explorer is an awesome replacement for explorer.exe as a #XenApp published Application!”