We are going to outline the changes necessary to your current deployment.
BIS-F 7.1912.7 is available with some small Bugfixes. Note: CodeSigning Certificate from previous 7.1912.6 expires 04. January 2023.
Download here https://t.co/Q9dN36qQAZ@citrixpoll #vdi @citrix @PSCommunityBlog— Matthias Schlimm (@MatthiasSchlimm) November 21, 2022
German Group Policy Language File
The German ADML file is no longer supported, so you can delete the old file from your ADMX central store:
It’s no problem that the file is missing, as long as you have the up to date en-US ADML file in place, as each GPMC always has a fallback to en-US, if the language specific file is missing.
“Very Silent” Parameter removed
Next, the “Very Silent” parameter is removed from the ADMX file. If you update your ADMX file, without prior removing that value, it will leave ugly remains in your GPO:
Now before you copy back the old ADMX and ADML files, there are easy PowerShell CMDlets to remove those abandoned values, just insert your Policy name in my example command and you are good to go:
Remove-GPRegistryValue -Name "XA_C_BIS-F_MCS" -Key "HKLM\Software\Policies\Login Consultants\BISF" -ValueName "LIC_BISF_POL_VS" Remove-GPRegistryValue -Name "XA_C_BIS-F_MCS" -Key "HKLM\Software\Policies\Login Consultants\BISF" -ValueName "LIC_BISF_CLI_VS"
New settings for Citrix MCSIO
For the Citrix Machine Creation Service administrators out there, Matthias Schlimm has added a new major feature to deal with the new MCSIO driver added in CVAD 1903 MCS. It’s important to know that you need to separate your Master machines and MCS clones in different OUs now, as both need slightly different BIS-F settings.
There is also a video of Matthias who is presenting the new feature (link already skips to the correct minute mark):